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She’s About To Pop!

13 Jul

My cousin Nicole is one of the most amazing people in my life. She is not only a cousin, but I consider her a  best friend and sister. During Thanksgiving, I found out she was expecting her first baby and a few months later I found out  IT’S A GIRL. When I found out she was pregnant, I knew I wanted to throw her an amazing baby shower since she has done so much for me in the past and everyone knows I love to throw a party! So my sister, aunt, and I all came together and planned her a super girly  baby shower that I hope will be an everlasting memory as she watches her new baby girl grow up.

We went with a popular dessert table theme of She’s About To Pop! On the dessert table food items were: Popcorn, Baby Rattle Pops, Cake Pops, Chocolate Dipped Rice Crispy Treats, and Onesie Cookies.

Baby Rattles, Cake Pops, and Rice Crispies:  Rachel Strmiska and Melissa Paulo.

Onesie Cookies: Julie Garza

The color palette chose for decorations was a variety of pinks, white and turquoise. We folded the napkins as bows. Each table had a center piece of girly outfits for the mom-to-be to take home. The flowers were bought from the local grocery store and put in mason jars with a rhinestone hanger.

Keeping with the girly theme, we had a headband/clip making station for people to use their creative skills and in order to keep this new baby looking stylish.

Lastly, we created a backdrop for all the pictures being taken as she opened gifts and read book dedications from her guest to her baby girl. It was a nice place for Nicole to sit so everyone can see her and she was very comfortable in her new refurbished pink rocking chair (she got to keep it too for the nursery).

As can be seen, she received lots of new goodies for her baby girl that is due this month. It was a true pleasure planning this special event with my aunt and sister and I couldn’t have done it without them.