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28 Oct

Desiring for something more is a natural characteristic among people. It can be caused by an unsettling feeling of not being satisfied and fulfilled with numerous amounts of materialistic items or a lousy demeanor. I think it’s important to work hard for items & dreams that you want to occur among life’s journey, but remember to reflect on each goal as it is achieved and remember the steps it took in order to create the feeling of fulfillment.


21 Oct

5 words that have gotten me to where I am today! Times will be tough and life will feel overwhelming, but always believe in yourself and things will work out! Happy Sunday!


14 Oct

Over the past few months, I have heard this quote over and over again by all my friends and family. Trust me when I say it’s hard to listen to them, especially when you’re down and feeling like things aren’t getting better. But, things do have a way of working out. Some would say this happens by either determination, persistence, or God himself. I feel it’s a mixture of them all and thankful for all the frustrated times I have endured because when everything comes together it’s a beautiful moment.


7 Oct

As we speak, I am in search of following my dream. I need this quote to get me through my struggles while the time keeps passing me by and I become more frustrated.


Quote Via hola! design


3 Oct

Do you search Etsy for creative ideas? Do you buy an ungodly amount of Etsy products? Well, I am one of those individuals, especially during my time as a bride-to-be. Etsy is an amazing resource and lets people with creative abilities be able to showcase their “art”. I am a large advocate for giving to the mom-and-pop stores, that is why I prefer boutique shopping and local coffee shops compared to Macy’s and Starbucks. Don’t be deceived… I do shop at the large corporate stores as well. But, overall my preference would be to help out the common folks just like myself. Etsy is a great platform for me to do this kind of shopping, so here are some amazing products I found on their website. What do you guys think of the products? How do you feel about corporate shopping vs.  small business owners? Leave some comments I would love to read your opinions. 


1//Shop: ASimpleKindOfFancy Tiny Studded Earrings. 2// forthecommongood Orange Metal Chairs. 3// BootsNGus Mason Jar Pendant Lights


30 Sep

Not only is today my birthday, but it is a day I get to celebrate and be thankful for all the many blessing this past year has given me. I got married to the most amazing man, I moved back to what I like to call my “homeland”, and most importantly I have been on a search for a new career path. Thank you to everyone who has supported me this past year and years to come. I couldn’t have survived without the love and continuous motivation.


23 Sep

It feels so good to be back in Cali! There is nothing like coming home. 


19 Sep

I have been waiting for this book to come in the mail for months! I am so excited I have been reading it nonstop for the past 3 days. This book covers tips, advice, and experiences that Joy Cho has developed while creating her own blog Oh Joy! It’s a book made for future, beginning, and expert bloggers. Also, this book is laid out with amazing graphic design work. Overall, it’s inspiring for all bloggers on any level.


16 Sep



9 Sep

When reading this quote, it definitely spoke to me. I have always been one who needed approval. The one who always looked to a parent, friend, boyfriend or family member to tell me that I was doing the right thing. I always have cared about other peoples opinion of my decisions and myself. However, as I have gotten older, I have realized as long as I am happy it doesn’t really matter what people say. There is always going to be negativity in your life and it is only up to you how to reflect upon those people’s opinions and spin it around to make you shine! JESS.BE.YOU!